Hello my name is Kacey Hall. I’m a journeyman welder. I’ve been in this trade for about fifteen years. I’m pretty much self-taught, but have picked up many good lessons from some really good men also over the years. Knowing how to weld and do maintenance has always provided me and my family with financial sources to live a decent life. I’m married to my best friend. We have a Brady Bunch kinda family — two boys. three girls. and a two year old grandson.
Kacey & ExchangeNation: I’m very excited about this project ExchangeNation. It makes no sense that people can’t seem to find away to just get along with each other just because of politics. I’m sure if we put down the Republican and Democrat labels and try to see past the color of our skin we can find so many things we all can agree on and at least learn to talk to one another with respect and compassion. Thank you to everyone involved in this great opportunity for a chance to unite this country.